Convert WebP To PNG

Convert WebP To PNG Instantly Online

Upload Images or drop files Upload up to 15 images. Max. 7 MB each

*Upload Multiple Images

How To Convert?


Upload WebP images using the upload button or drag & drop image files.


You can upload up to 15 files at once.


The WebP To PNG conversion will start automatically.


You need to wait for the processing to complete.


After processing, the download option will be enabled to download converted images.

About Tool

WebP to PNG converter is an online tool to change the file type of WebP images to PNG. WebP images are found widely on the web but after you download them, they won't open on a lot of devices and can't be edited and posted on social networking apps.

Why Use Converter Tool?

WebP images are recommended to web page designers and developers as they offer better lossless compression than PNG images with the same features. But you can still use PNG instead of WebP if you want to.

The benefit of using PNG images over WebP ones is that your images can be downloaded and viewed on their respective devices by your visitors. Eg, web pages that post pictures to be downloaded like on wallpaper and photography websites would always prefer posting PNG or JPEG images over WebP.

About WebP Images

WebP image format as a replacement for JPEG, PNG, and GIFs was created in the late 2010s by developers at Google after acquiring the technology from ON2 Technologies. They felt the need for an image format that will support more compression but still offer the details and color depth in the picture.

Initially, the WebP image format wasn't much appealing as its only significant feature was the optimized compression. Later, they kept making it better by adding support for EXIF metadata, transparency and animation, and lossless compression.